
  • Check in, Check out

    Our modern self-check-in system saves you time. Enter your custom code to access the hotel and your room. Contact us to schedule early or late check out.

  • Pet Friendly

    Your furry friend never has to leave your side again. Add a pet to your booking for a fee of $20.

  • Complimentary Coffee and Tea

    Get the early bird special of free coffee and tea located in the cafe for all guests.

  • Made-to-order brunch

    Order yourself a delicious omelet or avocado toast online and pick it up downstairs at the Marquette Cafe.

  • Sit back and relax

    With our high-speed internet, you can log in to your Netflix, Amazon, and local satellite television soundly in your room.

Wait! There’s more. . .

  • 32” flatscreen TV

    In-room microwave and mini-fridge

    Eco-friendly air conditioning & heating

    Iron and ironing board


    Pack n’ Play

    *Some items are available upon request.